One chance to capture not just the
event, but the emotion of the day.
This is your day and you need to feel
comfortable that you have made the
right choice for your photographer.
You can call or email to schedule a free
consultation to discuss your plans, your desires, your budget
and the unique nature of your personal photography solution.
There are many things to consider in your wedding photography;
some you may have thought of and others not. Use this as a
guide to assist you in your planning and your photographer
interview and selection. You do not want to and should not have
to make photography decisions on your wedding day.
Use this in consideration of the list of photographs that you would like to
have from your wedding. I ask that couples review this list prior to our
first meeting to use as a guide to walk through your desires and the
sequence of events. This guide should not be considered an explicit
agreement but rather an indication of the types of photographs that you
would like. The list may cause you to consider photographs that you had
not considered.
There are certain things that you should expect from your wedding
photographer. I will provide these things and others will as well, but
it is good to have them understood up front.
Help yourself to the documents below